Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Route

Leaving from Chicago Il, and ending up in Grand Rapids, Mi. This 1000 mile trek will take us 5-6 days, at an average of 28 mpg. Using a grand total of around 20 gallons of gas between the two of us.

The Motobecane

1979 Motobecane 50V built and purchased from 1977Mopeds in 2005. It sports a 15.15 Delorto carb on bendy intake, 2 ball variator, freshly rebuilt motor, skirted piston and portmatched intake port. Confirmed 112 mpg. Long seat for optimum comfort and minimal chafing. GPS equipped.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


1980 Puch Magnum XLII
2 Speed ZA50 motor
50cc tccd 6 port Kit
LeoVincie Exhaust
12/14 bing bored to 16, 74 Jet


The first Michigan adventure of the year is the Lake Michigan Moped Circle Tour.
In the 2nd week of may Peter and Myself are going to take our mopeds a 1980 puch magnum and a 1979 Motobecane 50v from Chicago around lake Michigan. Traveling North through Wisconsin, continuing through the U.P., over the Mighty Mac and back down, all at the beautiful pace of 30mph.